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Visitors: Please answer the questions yourself, ask a question of my students or provide a comment about your own path to leadership
Our first question is this: What is leadership? What qualities do I already have that are similar to that of great leaders?
December 10th - Good responses to these questions. Here is the picture of all of the words people used to describe good leaders. Image courtesy of Wordle.net. (click on the image for full size view) --Mr. Lewis
I think that leadership is the ability to guide and inspire other.
A quality that I posses, as a teacher, that is similar to that of other great leaders is a strong belief in what I want to accomplish and a strong belief in the capability of others.
Mrs. Heaton
A leader is someone who is principled.
The qualities leadears have is
honesty beacuase they dont lie.
Leaders are caring.
A qualitie a leader has is somebody being good.
I think leaders have many of the IB learner profile characteristics. They are open-minded and listen to different opinions. They are inquirers and ask questions to clarify what they don't understand. They are also reflective and learn from their successes and their mistakes.
Ms. Groth
IB Coordinator
Leadership means standing up for your rights. One of the qualites that I posess is that I don't let go of things easily. Another quality I have is that I always try my best.
Leadership is showing bravery, talent, and more! One quality I have is brains. Another quality i have is respect.
Leedership meens that a person has power, to stand over people. Nothing ever stops me unles it has something to do with school. I never hold on to anything bad.
Leadership is someone that helps others and makes them feel good. A leader is also loyal. They can solve diffcult problems. Leaders also have talent and show courage.
A leader to me is someone with many qaulities such as, talent, respect, and more. I posses being, brave, smart, passionate, and many more. I,m only loyal sometimes though.
leadership is being loyal to others. being loyal to others is very importent, but there is more to being a leader then that. you alsow have to be responsibull, and brave.
Leadership to me is to have resonsibilty and to respect and to think of others. If you are a leader you should be loyal and careing to the people you lead. Leaders should have character,talent,and leaders should be strong.The qualities I posses is to be dedicated and loyal to my people. I'd also try to solve there problems and do my best to help them.
Leadership can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad. Like my mom she is a nrurse. She is a leader because she is the Asstant director of Critical Care. My qualities are I try my best,I am nice,and I dont give up
Leadership is people that cancontrole a lote of people the qualities that make me a leater is being brave, smart and loyal. I no that everybody has good qalitys tha make them a leater.
Some qualaties that leaders are respect , couradge , and they never give up. Leaders are good people. leaders have a lot of self respect. Matthew
Leadership is defending others.One qulity I have is helping others.Another I have is courage.
Leadership is someone who is brave and has talent. When I think of leadership I think of my mom she is a nurse. Also leadership is standing yourself.
Leadership is responsibility . Responsibility can be hard. One quality leaders have is couradge
Leadership means that someone is standing up to the there rights. I posses alot of qaulities,one of them is that I keep on trying my best.Another is that i am very confident in myself.As you can see I make a very good leader.
Leadership means a person who has strong beliefs. I have talent, which is needed to be a leader. I am also smart.
Leadership maens that someone is loyal to one another. I possess alot of qualities, one is that I treat people the way I want to be traeted. Another one I possess is I'm passionate to people.
Leadership is that someone who is brave and has talent. When I think of leadership I think of my mom. also leadership is stainding up for your self.
Leadership meens that a person has power to stand over people. Nothing ever stops me unles it has something to do with school. I never hold on to anything bad. Reece
Leadership is power,control,and more things.I have brains,respect,loyalty,and tenacity.I am also passionate and I step up to the plate.
leadership means to show loyolity, talent, ect. I know to be to be a leader because I show loyolity, talent, ect. Ny dad teaches me to be a leader, thats why I want to be a leader.
Leadership means you have to have courage,character,and responsiblity. My qualities of being a leader is strong beliefs,respect,control,and courage. My strongest qualitie is courage.
Leadership means you have to have courage, character, and be responsible. My qualities of a leader are strong beliefs, respect, control, and courage. My strongest is quality is courage.
Leadership means being brave. Qualities that I have that make me a good leader is that I try my hardest. I also care about other things besides myself.
Leadership is person that is responsible and has respect.I think my mom is a leader because she is responsible and has respect for other people and me,my brothers,and my dad.She is also takeing a class to be a teacher. Alexis
Leardership is a person that is responsible and has respect.I think my mom is a leader because she is responsible and has respect for others and herself.She is also takeing a class to be a teacher. Alexis
I think good leaders ask lots of questions and get as much information as they can to solve problems. Dave
honest,kindness,and fairness,citizenship
one thing a leader has is caring . Haley room24
Leaders are principle and respectful.by Carlos and Jessi
we need good leaders .
one thing a leader has is caring . Haley room24
One thing that a leader has is being fear and nice.
Oscar room 24.
Qualities leaders need are they have to be trusted and truthful.Also,they need to be responsible and respectful.But the thing they need the most is to have respect to citizens and the U.S.A.
By:Iona,Vanessa,and Daniel
Leaders are strong.Also they are caring to others.
A leader should be is well-orginized.
natasha ms.angus
Not to follow others be a leader.Don't do bad things to
others and say the right things.
A leader is also smart,and respectful.
Arlette Ms.Morang.
Leaders are honest.They stand up for what they belive in. They are also patient.
A leader is to be respectful and caring.
Leaders are strong and citizen.Also caring about others.
Not to follow others , be a leader.Don't do bad things others say,do the right thing.
Lots of great ideas here - Like Dave, I think a good leader asks lots of questions. Like Haley, I think a good leader has to care a lot. I also think good leaders need to be brave, like Patrick does.
One thing I think is really important is that leaders know how to make mistakes - that when they make a mistake, they work to make it right.
I'm enjoying watching your leadership conference - keep up the great work!
I think ledership is to be strong. I also think it is to be brave.
Qualities of a leader is honesty. Qualities of a leader is kindness. Qualities of a leader is fairness.
The qualities that a leader has is respectful.A quality that I possess as a leader is do what is right.
What is one of your leadership quality?
By:Vanessa and Monica
Learders have graet qualities by consideration others meaning by putting othres first.Listening or obey our GOD at all times no matter where you are you still listen or obeay our GOD.
not a follower,
stand up for yourself,
being smart
Standing up for my self,
Being respectful,
Being smart,
Be honest,
and cool.
Some qualities leaders have are caring,responsible,commited ,and helpful.
The Qualities of a leader is Honesty. The Qaulities of a leader is Fairness. The Qualities of a leader is kindness.
Hi Room # 24 From Mrs. Painter's room. I think one quality a leader should have is honesty, because they should never like to people, because the people won't trust them. Karla
Qualities of a leader is honesty.Qualities of a leader is fairness. Qualities of a leader is kindness.
A quality is a parent who helps us at home.A parent who tells you waht they do like , make money so you and your mom have clothes.
Leaders do not follow others. Leaders are also brave.Leaders are good people.
A quality that a leader has is loyalty.
a leader sets goals and are very honest they are also intelligent.
How long will it take you to get to Colorado?
Do you enjoy your school a lot?
Josh from Mrs. Painter's class thinks that the most important quality of a leader is being responsible. A responsible leader answers people's questions right away so that they won't be worried about things.
How many teachers do you have?
How many teachers do you have?
You are never are to small to be a leader.
Mrs. Berry's First Graders said:
Lili - "I listen to everything my teacher says."
Melody - "A leader means you are listening to your teacher."
Aspen - "I am a leader when I help my friends learn something they don't know."
Aaron - "I am a leader when I show respect."
Mrs. Berry's class said:
Aspen - I am a leader when I teach my friends new things they don't know.
Aaron - I am a leader when I show respect.
Lili - I am a leader when I do what my teacher says.
Melody - A leader listens to what their teacher says.
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