Sunday, April 27, 2008

Leadership Summit!

We have been learning all about leadership in Room24. Each student researched a great leader (some researched a negative leader) and they spent some time identifying the qualities that made them great leaders. Now it is time to make some connections between those great leaders and ourselves. We will spend some time this week addressing these four questions:

  1. What is leadership?
  2. What problems exist in my school or community that could be solved if I were a leader?
  3. What obstacles stand in my way that prevent me from being a leader?
  4. What goals can I set for myself to get past these obstacles?
We will present the answers to these questions on Friday by publishing them on this blog and Tweeting them (follow room24). We will also invite anyone to join us in a live conversation via WiziQ where participants can address these questions themselves, thinking about themselves when they were young, giving advice to Room24 or sharing a story of a great student leader. Click here to view information about the session and to create an account to participate.

1 comment:

Dave Tarwater said...


I will be filming your classroom during your leadership conference this Friday, May 2. I know it will be a great learning day.