Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Folsom People

The Folsom People method of hunting was knives,spears but the Folsom points were smaller than the Clovis.

The Folsom People ate buffalo,deer,seeds,nuts and fruits.

The Folsom People lived in tepees and caves.

The Folsom People cooked and then split the buffaloes.They also spoke different languages.The flood uncovered unusually large bison bones .George McJunkin discovered them after a flash flood.


Erik G. said...

nice job Folsom People! I really liked reading your story.

stephanie s said...

cool story.

Joseph Miller said...

The bones from the Folsom site are at the Denver Museum of Science and Technology. In fact, it was the Denver Museum that sponsored the excavations at Folsom in the 1920s. The bison hunted by the Folsom were not the same size as the ones alive today. They were much larger and of a different species. These bison went extinct many years ago.

Do you think the Clovis and Folsom people were different people or the same people that changed what they were eating?

Anonymous said...

Outside of the hunting instruments, what was known of the people?