Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Q4: What goals should I set?

Our fourth question about leadership is: What goals should I set for myself to become a leader?

Here are the comments in visual form complements of wordle.net:


Anonymous said...

One goal that I'd like to set to become a better leader is to listen to people carefully even when I don't agree with them. Sometimes, I can learn more about the problem or the person's point of view by listening to their opinion.

Ms. Groth
IB Coordinator

Anonymous said...

One goal I've set for myself to become a leader is to write down what I want to accomplish each day and look at that list at the end of the day to see what I've finished and what still needs to be done. That way, I know what I need to finish the next day and try to finish that before starting something new. This helps me stay organized.

Ms. Groth
IB Coordinator

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I would set to stand up for my self. Also help other people. You would also need good grades.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal to set for myself is to stand up for myself. Also try what I want to do. Another goal is to stand up for others.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal I set is stand up for myself. Another is never give up. Last is to practice hard.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal I have for myself is to become a singer. I can reach that goal by practicing every day, and making up new songs. If I become a singer I can become a leader of my fans because I might be a role model for them.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Stand up for myself,and practice.Never give up,and ethor be a guitar player,drummer,or be a monster truck driver.I also want to play soccer. Huntley

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

For one of my goals I have to learn to love the things around me. Another goal for me is that I have to learn not to hog things. The next goal in my life is that I have to try not to be shy and to go out there and try to make friends. The last thing I need to learn is to do what im told when a teacher gives me orders.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal is to start helping others. Another goal is to think of my family and what they need help on.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Goals that I need to set for my self is to be even more brave. Lotes of people think they have no grades beacuse they think they are perfect. but I think every body has at least one goal.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

A goal that I can set for myself to become a leader is to try new things so I can be a good leader. Another thing I can do is stand up for other that can't stand up for themselves. I can also try and be a good role model for other kids.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

My goal is to be a vet.I need to be brave and stand up for myself.I also have to get good grades and work hard.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

When I grow up I want to be a teacher just like my mom. One of my goals that I should set is that I should get good grades. My mom was a teacher and so I want to follow in her footsteps so that I can be a good teacher like her.

Mary Claire

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

To become a perfeshanal football player. I hope I get to be on the pathers. I hope I can play at the position qurterback Reece

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal I can set for myself is to continue to get good grades. That will get me a good scholarship. I would like to study history and lead by teaching.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal is i want to be a great football player.That is my best passion.One other goal is to go to the university of south carolina's college.The last goal is to be a very good role model for other kids so they do the right thing and be a good role model when they grow up too!!!

Anonymous said...

A goal I should set for myself is to become a soccer player. I love to play soccer. That helps me be a leader.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

The goals I woluld set would be to conquer my fears . Another goal I would set is to learn how to control my temper.The last goal I would set is to be a better friend.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

One goal I should set for my self is to be a hard worker before and after I get my degree in college. Another is I should respect people and they will respect me. As you can see I can set alot of goals for my self.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should have respect. also I should be brave.also I should show charecter.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

A goal I should set for myself is that I should make recess longer. It would fix the proplem at my school. That is the goal I would set for myself

Anonymous said...

one goal i would like to set is getting better on my math.Iam from room 26,jeremiah

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

i want to help students that don't get or don't under staned everything.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...


Anonymous said...

hi 24 from room 26 I think a good goal is for me is to help others. from Cale

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I would like to play baseball.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

My math scoer. I would do this by studying more

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

to help someone who doesn't get it

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

to help someone who doesn't get it

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Getting a better math score.Also studying harder.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should set good examples for little kids.And for other people.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should set good examples for little kids.And for other people.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should get good examples for little kids.And for other people.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should get good examples for little kids.And for other people.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Do better in math. Listen more in reading. Learn more about leadership.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

When I grow up I would like to be a Profestional Soccer player. One goal I should set for myself is to practice harder on my dribbling skills and goalie skills.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Getting good grades. Being a better person. Being more trustworthy to others.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I want to be a vet.I should go to a good collage.I should also get good grades to get a scholarship.


Anonymous said...

A goal that I will set for myself is to be in the Navy. Some day I want to be a leader.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

When I grow up I want to play football for the Dallas Cowboys or Carolina Panthers. One goal I should set for myself is get good grades and study hard. Teach other kids to be good in school.


Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should set to be presedent.I should set running the fasttest.I should set reading the fasttest.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

I should be kind to others. I should be consdrsation to others

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

to do better in Math.To do better in Socel Sudys also.To lesten in class.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

Doing my hardest is one.Get good grades.Practice alot is another.

Mrs. Heaton's Class said...

The goals that I shoud set for my self are to start preticepating in more stuff. It would help me get better grads. It woud heip me have beter grads.


Anonymous said...

Alex from Mrs. Painter's class is setting a goal to get good grades in reading, because reading helps me to become smarter.

Unknown said...

I'm very curious about Jesse's comment. I want to know what problem can be fixed by a longer recess. I hope Jesse will respond and give me some more information!